Dam & Safety ›› 2020, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 42-.

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Analysis on excessive uplift pressure of Pushihe lower reservoir dam

ZHANG Fengqin and WANG Qian   

  1. Fengman Hydropower Plant
  • Received:2019-04-29 Revised:2019-07-22 Online:2020-02-08 Published:2020-02-08


张凤芹1 ,王 千2   

  1. 1. 国网新源松花江水力发电有限公司丰满发电厂,吉林 吉林,132108;2. 国网辽宁省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,辽宁 沈阳,110006
  • 作者简介:张凤芹(1975— ),女,吉林永吉人,工程师,主要从事大坝水情水调测报工作。

Abstract: The seepage pressure coefficients at the bank block and the riverbed block of Pushihe lower reservoir dam exceed design standard. Therefore, this paper comprehensively analyzes the geological structure of site area, bypass seepage on both sides of the dam and current calculation method of seepage pressure coefficient. The analysis results show that the main reasons for excessive seepage coefficient include: (1) the underground water level on both sides is higher than the downstream water level and the elevation of joints in bedrock and (2) there are cracks in bedrock.

Key words: seepage pressure coefficient, geological structure, bypass seepage, calculation method

摘要: 蒲石河抽水蓄能电站下库坝岸坡坝段、河床坝段部分扬压力测孔渗压系数超过设计标准。对此,综合分析了下库坝坝址区地质构造、两岸绕坝渗流及目前渗压系数计算方法。结果表明,两岸地下水高于下游水位和基岩接缝高程及基岩裂隙是导致大坝渗压系数超标的主要原因。

关键词: 渗压系数, 地质构造, 绕坝渗流, 计算方式