Dam & Safety ›› 2019, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 65-.

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Optimization and implementation of reinforcement scheme for Yunfeng dam crest

SONG Yan, GENG Fan-kun and YAN Jing-feng   

  1. Yunfeng Power Plant
  • Received:2018-12-23 Online:2019-04-08 Published:2019-04-08


宋 岩1,耿凡坤2,颜景枫1   

  1. 1. 云峰发电厂,吉林 集安,134200;2. 新疆水利水电科学研究院,新疆维吾尔自治区 乌鲁木齐,830049  
  • 作者简介:宋 岩(1962- ),男,辽宁金州人,高级工程师,副总工程师,主要研究方向:水电工程施工和坝工运行管理。

Abstract: Yunfeng dam is a wide-joint gravity dam designed and constructed by North Korea. The construction began in 1958 and water impoundment was in 1965. Due to poor construction method and quality, there are lots of problems of dam crest, which causes severe freezing and thawing, surface erosion, water seepage on dam surface as well as a rise of water level of dam cavity, affecting the dam safety and stability. The paper introduces the optimization and implementation of reinforcement scheme of dam crest, for reference.

Key words: dam crest leakage, reinforcement, Yunfeng Dam

摘要: 云峰大坝是由朝鲜设计并施工的宽缝重力坝,于1958年动工,1965年蓄水。大坝坝顶因原施工方法、工艺、质量等存在诸多问题,坝面产生严重的冻融、剥蚀,造成坝面渗水严重、大坝空腔水位升高,可能影响大坝坝体防渗性能。文章着重简述本次坝顶表面修补处理方案的优化及实施,为今后类似工程提供借鉴。

关键词: 坝顶渗漏, 补强加固, 云峰大坝