Dam & Safety ›› 2018, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 40-.

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Analysis of the reinforcement stress in a groove body before and after its hoisting and installation on Menglou aqueduct

MA Yu-hang, ZHOU Qiang and ZHANG Bo   

  1. Zhejiang Huadong Engineering Safety Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2017-08-10 Online:2018-10-08 Published:2018-10-08



  1. 浙江华东工程安全技术有限公司,浙江 杭州,311122
  • 作者简介:马宇航(1983- ),男,四川省南充市人,工程师,从事水利水电工程安全监测工作。

Abstract: Menglou aqueduct is the heaviest prefabricated rectangular aqueduct in China. The single span is 30 m long and 1 200 tons heavy. The groove body has a large span with complex structure, thinwall, and three directional pre-stressed. Stress monitoring of the steel bar in the groove body is carried out before and after its hoisting and installation, with the aim to understand the stress changes, control the lifting parameters and guide the follow-up construction of aqueduct.


Key words: Menglou aqueduct, single span, groove body, hoisting and installation, reinforcement stress, monitoring and analysis

摘要: 孟楼渡槽单跨30 m、单槽重达1 200 t,为国内最重的架设预制矩形渡槽。槽身结构复杂,槽身为大跨度薄壁三向预应力结构,空间结构受力复杂。为监测槽身吊装前后钢筋应力变化情况,在槽身吊装移动前后进行了槽身钢筋应力监测,以控制吊装参数,指导后续渡槽施工。

关键词: 孟楼渡槽, 单跨, 槽身, 吊装, 钢筋应力, 监测分析