Dam & Safety ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 1-6.

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Oroville spillway incident: progress and reflections

ZHANG Xiu-li and YANG Ge   

  1. Large Dam Safety Supervision Center, National Energy Administration
  • Received:2017-10-15 Online:2017-12-08 Published:2017-12-08


张秀丽,杨 鸽   

  1. 国家能源局大坝安全监察中心,浙江 杭州,311122
  • 作者简介:张秀丽(1962- ),女,江苏扬州人,教授级高级工程师,总工程师,研究方向为水电站设计与大坝安全管理。

Abstract: Based on an overview of the Oroville spillway incident, the problems existing in construction, maintenance and operation of the project are discussed in this paper. Furthermore, considering the status quo and challenges of dam safety management in China, it is proposed that, in addition to further strengthening the safety awareness, Chinese dam engineers should utilize science and technology more effectively. By adopting the online monitoring technology, enrich the integrated framework of in-situ inspection and remote management, and boost the capacity and level of dam safety management.

Key words: Oroville dam, spillway incident, dam safety management, reflections

摘要: 在对美国奥洛维尔水库溢洪道破坏事件进行介绍的基础上,分析该事件暴露出的奥洛维尔大坝建设及运行管理中存在的问题。同时,结合我国大坝安全管理的现状及面临的挑战,提出在进一步强化安全意识的同时,应积极利用科学技术,通过大坝安全在线监控技术手段,丰富“大坝安全现场检查与远程管理相结合”管理格局的内涵,不断提升我国大坝安全管理能力和水平。

关键词: 奥洛维尔大坝, 溢洪道破坏, 大坝安全管理, 思考