dam ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 72-.

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Cause for failure of steel lining of the elbow draught tube of Yayangshan hydropower station and backfill grouting

LIU Jian   

  1. Lixian River Hydropower Development Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2017-05-12 Revised:2017-05-19 Online:2017-10-08 Published:2017-10-08


刘 坚   

  1. 云南大唐国际李仙江流域水电开发有限公司,云南 普洱,665000
  • 作者简介:刘 坚(1986- ),男,云南曲靖人,工程师,长期从事水利水电工程工作。

Abstract: By one-year operation of Yayangshan hydropower station with low water level, failure of steel lining of the draft tube of unit No. 2 and separation between the tube and the concrete are found. By cause reason analysis, backfill grouting is adopted for treatment.

Key words: elbow draught tube, steel lining, failure, analysis, backfill grouting

摘要: 崖羊山水电站在2016年低水位运行一年后,发现2号机组尾水肘管钢衬撕裂脱落、混凝土脱空,通过原因分析,制定回填灌浆处理措施。

关键词: 尾水肘管, 钢衬, 破坏, 分析, 回填灌浆