dam ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 67-.

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Mosul dam: a catastrophe yet to unfold

Nasrat Adamo, Nadhir Al-Ansari, Sven Knutsson, Jan Laue and Varoujan Sissakian   

  1. Lulea University of Technology
  • Received:2017-06-26 Online:2017-08-08 Published:2017-08-08


瑞典·Nasrat Adamo1,Nadhir Al-Ansari1,Sven Knutsson1,Jan Laue1,伊拉克·Varoujan Sissakian2   

  1. 1.瑞典吕勒奥理工大学;2.私人顾问
  • 作者简介:文献来源:Engineering 编译:吴双 校核:许传桂

Abstract: Mosul dam is multipurpose earth fill dam. It is 3.4 km long, 113 m in height and its storage capacity reaches 11.11 km3 of which 2.95 km3 is dead storage. The dam is located on the Tigris river in the northern part of Iraq about 60 km in north west Mosul city. The dam was built on highly karstified alternating beds of gypsum, marl and limestone. The dam was operating in 1986 and since then, seepage problems started due to the solubility of the gypsum beds, presence of karstification and the effect of the local groundwater aquifer. Insensitive grouting program was put to stop the seepage and ensure the stability of the dam but it did not stop. The situation became worse in 2014 when ISIS occupied the dam area and grouting operations were halted. Recent evaluation of the conditions indicates that the dam is in its worst conditions. The failure models of the dam indicate that 6 million people will be affected, and 7 202 km2 of land will be inundated. To stop this catastrophe, grouting operations should be continued intensively to elongate the span life of the dam. Water level within its reservoir should be kept at a very low level to minimize the damages in case of dam failure. As a permanent solution, another dam should be built downstream Mosul dam so that it can take the wave of Mosul dam in case of its failure.

摘要: 摩苏尔大坝是一座多用途填土坝,长3.4 km,高113 m,库容11.11 km3,死库容2.95 km3。大坝位于伊拉克北部的底格里斯河,距离摩苏尔城西北约60 km。大坝建在熔岩高度岩溶的石膏、泥岩和石灰岩床上。大坝于1986年开始运行,从那时,由于石膏床溶解、存在岩溶作用、以及地下水的影响,渗流问题就开始显现了。为停止渗流,确保大坝的稳定,防渗灌浆的方案一直未停止。2014年,ISIS占领了大坝地区,停止了灌浆作业,情况恶化。对近期状况的评估表明,大坝有随时溃坝风险。一旦溃坝,将有600万人受灾、7 202 km2的土地被淹没。为了阻止这场灾难,灌浆作业应该继续进行,以延长大坝寿命。水库内水位应保持低位,以减少溃坝造成的危害。作为永久解决方案,应在摩苏尔大坝下游建造另一座大坝,以抵挡摩苏尔溃坝的下泄洪水。

关键词: 伊拉克, 底格里斯河, 摩苏尔大坝, 灌浆, 岩溶作用