dam ›› 2017, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 53-.

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Rapid repair technology of concrete defects

WU Qi- min, TAN Jian- ping, CHEN Qiao and LIU De-ming   

  1. PowerChina Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited
  • Received:2017-04-11 Online:2017-06-08 Published:2017-06-08


吴启民,谭建平,陈 乔,刘德明   

  1. 中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司,浙江 杭州,311122
  • 作者简介:吴启民(1978- ),男,浙江苍南人,高级工程师,主要从事防水、堵漏及加固材料开发工作。

Abstract: As impact of external force on concrete, local crushing damage are easily caused. At the same time, the microstructure of concrete is of multi whisker, and the pore structure is prone to absorb moisture and susceptible to freeze-thaw damage. For hydraulic structures, the common phenomenon contains scrape of lock side wall, spillway cavitation, panel extrusion failure, edge extrusion of structural joint, freeze-thaw and etc. The repair of some damaged parts, due to small amount of work and cumbersome maintenance steps, is usually postponed temporarily. Once the steel exposed and corrosion happened, maintenance is very urgent. Aiming at the problems above, a template free repair system is developed, which is of quick maintenance, crack resistance, impact resistance, strong adhesion and low modulus. This system has greatly simplified the maintenance process and enhanced the repair effect.

Key words: edge extrusion of structural joint, corner damage, extrusion damage, pit repair, lock repair

摘要: 混凝土受超限外力冲击时,易产生脆裂破损,同时微观混凝土具有多晶须、多毛细孔结构,易吸湿、易发生冻融破损。就水工建筑物而言,较为常见的破损有船闸边墙刮蹭破损、溢洪道空蚀破损、面板挤压破损、结构缝啃边破损、冻融破损等,由于工程量少,且维修步骤繁琐,这些破损部位往往不会及时修补。针对以上问题,开发了一种免立模快速修补技术,它具有快速维修、抗裂、抗冲击、强粘结和低模量的特点,极大地简化了维修工艺,施工方便,修补效果好。

关键词: 啃边破损, 崩角破损, 挤压破损, 冲坑修补, 船闸修补