dam ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 56-.

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Application of comprehensive geological advanced prediction technology in a hydropower station

LIU Zhi-hong   

  1. Zhejiang Huadong Engineering Safety Technology Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2016-05-27 Online:2016-08-08 Published:2016-08-08



  1. 浙江华东工程安全技术有限公司,浙江 杭州,311122
  • 作者简介:刘志宏(1964- ),男,浙江衢州人,高级工程师,从事隧道地质超前预报工作。

Abstract: The paper introduces the principle and method of engineering geology analysis and prediction method, TSP geological prediction method and GPR geological forecast method. Based on macro prediction of engineering geology, the combination of TSP geological prediction method for medium and long distance and GPR geological prediction method for short distance is advanced. It is applied to the excavation of a diversion tunnel. The precise result has proved the necessity and importance of application of comprehensive advanced geological prediction in complex geology condition.

Key words: comprehensive advanced geological prediction, ground penetrating radar, TSP prediction, F6 fault

摘要: 详细介绍了工程地质分析预测法、TSP超前地质预报法、探地雷达超前地质预报法的方法原理,提出在宏观工程地质预测分析的基础上,采用TSP法中长距离预报和探地雷达法短距离预报方法相结合的综合超前地质预报方法,并在某电站引水隧洞开挖施工中准确预报贯穿引水隧洞地下洞室群的F6断层,阐明在复杂地质条件下实施隧洞综合地质超前预报的必要性和重要性。

关键词: 综合超前地质预报, 探地雷达, TSP预报, F6断层