dam ›› 2016, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 83-.

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Locating seepage through, beneath and around dam

A. K. Hughes, M. L. Jessop   

  1. Atkins Ltd.
  • Received:2016-04-25 Online:2016-06-08 Published:2016-06-08


A. K. Hughes1 (英国),M. L. Jessop2 (美国)   

  1. 1.阿特金斯顾问有限公司;2.Willowstick 科技公司
  • 作者简介:文献来源:Proceedings of the Hydro 2015 Conference on Advancing Policy and Practice 翻译:崔弘毅 校核:许传桂

Abstract: Most dams leak to an extent. Continuous monitoring and timely rehabilitation is the strategy always adopted to ensure dam safety. In this paper, the innovative method, namely Willowstick method is introduced. By identification, mapping and modelling electric current flow paths through the subsurface, individual water paths are traced and the seepage model is determined. The Willowstick method is helpful in asset management and development of rehabilitation measures. As well, some application cases are given, for reference.

Key words: seepage, Willowstick method, inspection

摘要: 对于大多数大坝都存在的渗漏问题,保持监测并及时采取修复措施是常用的策略。笔者介绍了用于探测地下水的Willowstick创新性新方法,通过识别、定位和模拟通过地下的电流路径,它能探查建筑物渗漏水渗径和测定渗漏型式。该方法可用于帮助进行资产管理、制定修复措施,笔者列举了相关应用案例,供参考。

关键词: 渗漏, Willowstick方法, 检测