dam ›› 2014, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 61-63.

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Repair of the bottom plate of emergency spillway at Yanguoxia hydropower station

LI Sheng-cheng, ZHAO Ji-ming and ZHAO Hui   

  1. Longdian Branch Company of Yellow River Upstream Hydropower Co., Ltd.
  • Received:2014-03-14 Online:2014-04-30 Published:2014-04-30


李生成,赵吉明,赵 晖   

  1. 黄河上游水电开发有限责任公司陇电分公司,甘肃 永靖,731601
  • 作者简介:李生成(1965- ),男,本科,高级工程师,现从事水工管理工作。

Abstract: As the concrete of the bottom plate of emergency spillway at Yanguoxia hydropower station was damaged badly, repair was carried out before flood season in 2013. In treatment, effective measures were adopted and construction quality was strictly controlled which guaranteed the desired good effect.


Key words: Yanguoxia hydropower station, emergency spillway, repair technology

摘要: 盐锅峡水电站非常溢洪道多年未进行大修,底板混凝土局部破损严重,2013年汛前对其进行了补强处理。在处理过程中,根据非常溢洪道底板混凝土破坏的机理,采取了有针对性的施工方案,严格控制施工质量,达到了预期目标。

关键词: 盐锅峡水电站, 非常溢洪道, 修补技术