dam ›› 2014, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 53-55.

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Construction and quality control of gabion technology in embankment projects

ZHAO Hong-zhang and LIU Xi   

  1. Baoji Comprehensive Treatment Office of Wei River
  • Received:2013-08-13 Online:2014-04-30 Published:2014-04-30


赵宏章,刘 曦   

  1. 宝鸡市渭河综合治理办公室,陕西 宝鸡,721006
  • 作者简介:赵宏章(1962- ),男,陕西扶风县人,高级工程师,主要从事工程建设管理与水库调度运用工作。

Abstract: Based on the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the original embankment protection, the paper introduced the material selection, technique and construction procedure of the application of gabion technology. Further, construction technology, quality control and application effect were stressed, for reference.

Key words: embankment project, gabion technology, quality control

摘要: 在总结分析渭河宝鸡段堤防工程建设原有堤坡防护优劣的基础上,就渭河工程全面综合治理中堤坡防护采用新型材料,其格宾网材质如何选用,工艺、工序如何施工最佳,并重点对格宾网施工技术、质量控制及实际应用效果进行了阐述,供类似工程借鉴参考。

关键词: 堤防工程, 格宾网技术, 质量控制