dam ›› 2014, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 31-34.

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Evaluation of water eutrophication and control measure for Quanzhou Shanmei reservoir

LIN Zhi-jie   

  1. Quanzhou Environment Monitoring Station
  • Received:2014-02-25 Online:2014-04-30 Published:2014-04-30



  1. 福建省泉州市环境监测站,福建 泉州,362000
  • 作者简介:林志杰(1956- ),男,福建泉州人,工程师,站长,主要从事环境监测与管理工作。

Abstract: Based on the monitoring data of water quality of Shanmei reservoir during 2008~2011, the Carlson index method was used to evaluate the water eutrophication. Researches on the quality of inflow, outflow and water in reservoir, the eutrophication and change trend as well as analysis on cause reasons were carried out. The results showed the high content of TP, excessive TN and relatively low DO value in 2011. Meanwhile, other quality indicators all met the standards for Class Ⅱ water. During the last four year, the degree of eutrophication was mesotrophic and had a trend toward eutrophic. The paper analyzed the cause reasons and advanced the countermeasures, to improve the water quality of Shanmei reservoir.

Key words: Shanmei reservoir, water quality, eutrophication

摘要: 根据山美水库2008-2011年的水质监测资料,通过“卡尔森指数法”对水库富营养化现状进行评价。研究山美水库入库、库中及出库表层的水质特征、富营养化程度及富营养化变化趋势,并进行成因分析。结果表明:从入库、库中至出库的表层水体,TP浓度较高,TN超标最为严重,DO值在2011年相对较低,其他指标均满足水库水质Ⅱ类标准。四年中的水库富营养化程度基本为中营养状态,并有向中富营养转变的趋势。进行了成因分析并提出防治富营养化的相关对策与措施,以改善山美水库的水质情况。

关键词: 山美水库, 水质, 富营养化