dam ›› 2014, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 67-70.

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Advances in leak detection for dams

CUI Hong-yi and ZHOU Ke-fa   

  • Received:2013-11-22 Online:2014-03-01 Published:2014-03-01



  1. 1.国家能源局大坝安全监察中心,浙江 杭州,310014;2.水利部大坝安全管理中心,江苏 南京,210029
  • 作者简介:崔弘毅(1983- ),女,重庆人,助理工程师,主要从事大坝安全方面的研究。

Abstract: The development of hidden defects and leaks is an ever-present concern during the service life of dams, canals and levees. Consequently, a new advance in the geophysical investigation of erosion, a prime cause of structural deterioration in hydraulic structures, will be welcome news for the industry.

Key words: leak detection, erosion, SCAN Leak, single channel self-potential, multi-channel self-potential

摘要: 隐患和渗漏的发展是大坝、渠道和堤坝服役期间一直备受关注的问题。其中,冲蚀是水工建筑物结构恶化的一个主要原因,因此,冲蚀的地球物理探测法中的新进展对整个行业来说是好消息。文章着重介绍大坝渗漏检测最新进展,供参考。

关键词: 渗漏检测, 冲蚀, 渗漏扫描仪, 单道自然电位法, 多道自然电位法