dam ›› 2013, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 10-12.

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Defects of Doushan reservoir project and flood control measures

SHI Wen-dong, SUN Yun-xiang and YUAN Qing-hao   

  • Received:2013-05-15 Revised:2013-07-18 Online:2013-10-31 Published:2013-10-31



  1. 1.山东省莒南县陡山水库管理处,山东 莒南,276634;2.相邸水库管理所,山东 临沂,276634
  • 作者简介:时文东(1974-),男,山东省莒南县人,工程师,从事水库工程管理工作。

Abstract: As years of operation and no rehabilitation, defects with dam, spillway gate and water release tunnel were found which exerted harmful influence on safe operation of Doushan reservoir project. By application of measures such as operation with low water level in flood season, good-quality maintenance and inspection, responsibility implementation for flood control and et al., the safe operation of reservoir was guaranteed.

Key words: Doushan reservoir, project management, flood control, safe operation

摘要: 由于多年未进行除险加固,莒南县陡山水库大坝、溢洪闸、放水洞等工程设施存在安全隐患,影响工程的安全运行,水库管理处通过汛前降低运行水位、搞好维修养护、加强工程巡查、落实防汛责任制等多种措施,确保了工程安全运行。

关键词: 陡山水库, 工程管理, 度汛, 安全运行