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Design of GPS-based real-time dam deformation monitoring system

LU Peng   

  • Online:2012-06-28 Published:2012-06-28



  1. 广西水利电力职业技术学院,广西南宁 530023

Abstract: By use of three-dimensional displacement real-time automatic monitoring technology with GPS carrier phase difference solution in the control center, and establishment of triple difference extended Kalman filter model based on ionosphere-free combination observation results, the influence of ionospheric delay on long-distance observation is eliminated. This paper, combined with the system design example, described the layout of GPS measuring points, data transmission and software implementation.

摘要: 利用直接在监控中心进行GPS载波相位差分解算的大坝三维位移长期实时自动监测技术,采用无电离层影响组合观测值建立的三差扩展Kalman滤波模型,消除了电离层延时对长距离观测的影响,结合设计实例介绍了系统中GPS测点的布设、数据传输和软件的实现。