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Application of auxiliary monitoring and record system in Ertan hydropower station

WU Jian-rong and WANG Xiu-mei   

  • Online:2012-02-28 Published:2012-02-28



  1. 二滩水力发电厂,四川攀枝花 617100

Abstract: This paper introduced the structure, function and characteristics of the auxiliary monitoring and record system. Field applications shows that the auxiliary monitoring and recording system, basing on the existing equipments and distribution pattern, connects the decentralized control systems by application of network communication technology and provides data for equipments analysis and operation monitoring of the water supply, hydraulic devices, pumps, air compressor and gate. It is of high value. It was pointed out that the monitoring and record system was the supervisory control system. As well, the limitations encountered in practice were presented, for reference.

摘要: 介绍了二滩水电站辅机监录系统的构成、功能和特点。现场应用表明辅机监录系统基于控制设备现有分布格局,利用网络通信技术将各个分散独立的控制系统互相连接到一起成为一套集中监录的系统,为电站技术供水、油压装置、排水泵、空压机、闸门等设备的状态监测和设备分析提供了较详实的数据依据,具有较高实际工程应用价值。指出了辅机监录的实质是全厂监控系统的补充完善,同时指出了实践中遇到的局限和不足,供借鉴。