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Practice and exploration on operation safety management of cascade hydropower dams on Qingjiang river basin

GONG Jian-bing   

  • Online:2012-02-28 Published:2012-02-28



  1. 湖北清江水电开发有限责任公司,湖北宜昌 443000

Abstract: Dam safety is a critical issue to the survival and development of hydropower enterprises as well as to social and public safety. Special department has been established to conduct united management over operation safety of the four dams and three reservoirs on the Qingjiang basin, to bear the safety production responsibility and to carry out the enterprise’s self-discipline management. In recent 10 years, the Dam and Reservoir Center has been trying to bring the dams and reservoirs management toward the objective of standardization, basin-based, specialization and informationization through continuous practices, exploration and summarization of experiences on the road to managing dam by laws, by norms as well as in a scientific way.

Key words: Qingjiang river basin, reservoir dam, safety management, standardization, quality management system

摘要: 水电站大坝安全是水电企业生存与发展以及社会公共安全的大事,清江流域较早成立专门机构对四坝三库的运行安全实行统一管理,将大坝安全政府监管要求和企业自律管理措施落到实处。十年来,库坝中心未雨绸缪,在依法管坝、以标管坝、科学管坝的道路上不断实践、探索,不断总结经验,使清江库坝管理朝着标准化、流域化、专业化、信息化的“四化”目标迈进。

关键词: 清江流域, 水库大坝, 安全管理, 标准化, 质量管理体系