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Construction technology of crushing side wall at Pankou face slab rock fill dam

XU Dong-lin and QIN He   

  • Online:2011-06-28 Published:2011-06-28



  1. 1.汉江水电开发有限责任公司,湖北丹江口 442700;2.丹江口水力发电厂,湖北丹江口442700

Abstract: Construction of upstream slope of concrete face slab rock fill dam is a key part in dam filling and quality control. Construction of concrete crushing side wall is crushing the upstream side of cushion material by machine to form a wall, and traditional cushion material filling back, slope rolling and slope cutting were avoided. This is new in construction of upstream slope of face slab rock fill dam and was adopted in Pankou hydropower station. It simplified the construction process and changed slope rolling to vertical rolling, guaranteed the filling quality and good effect.

摘要: 混凝土面板坝上游坡面施工是控制坝体填筑进度和影响坝体质量的关键环节。混凝土挤压边墙施工技术是在垫层料的上游侧采用机械设备挤压而形成一道混凝土边墙,避免了传统工艺垫层料超填、斜坡碾压、削坡等繁琐工序,是面板堆石坝上游坡面施工的新方法。堵河潘口水电站上游坡面施工采用该技术,简化了垫层料的施工工序,加快了进度,将斜坡碾压改为垂直碾压,保证了垫层料填筑质量,取得了较好的效果。