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Back analysis on side slope parameters by incremental displacement method

WEN Hao and GUO Yun-hua   

  • Online:2011-06-28 Published:2011-06-28



  1. 1. 国电大渡河公司流域检修安装分公司,四川乐山 614900;2. 武汉理工大学道桥中心,湖北武汉 430070

Abstract: Combined with monitoring data, back analysis on side slope parameters is of significant meaning to design optimization. By application of uniform-designed incremental displacement method, back analysis on side slope parameters was carried out and advises for design optimization were advanced, which was of good effect.

摘要: 利用前期原型监测数据,快速反分析边坡岩体力学参数,对优化设计意义重大。运用基于均匀设计的位移增量反分析法对边坡结构面参数进行反分析,并对优化设计提出了建议,得到了良好效果。