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Design and application of dam deformation automatic monitoring system based on double basis stations GPS technique

JIANG Chen-guang, SHI Wei-nan, GONG Liang-sheng and et al.   

  • Online:2011-06-28 Published:2011-06-28



  1. 1.江南大学环境与土木工程学院,江苏无锡 214122;2.山东省水利厅,山东济南 250013;3.山东海河流域水利管理局,山东济南 250100;4.河北中核岩土工程有限责任公司,河北石家庄 050021;5.中国兵器工业北方勘察设计研究院,河北石家庄 050021

Abstract: It is incontestable that the Surveying Robot (automatic electronic Total-station) can monitor dam deformation automatically, but the stability of the base point below Surveying Robot exerts tremendous influence on precision. The Surveying Robot can not monitor the deformation point while the surveying line is obstructed. To overcome the problem, based on double basis stations GPS technique, the automatic monitoring system of dam deformation was developed, which reduced the influence of base point stability, simplified the monitoring procedures and cut down the fixed investment. This paper introduced its structure and work principle and a monitoring case was presented.

摘要: 测量机器人(即自动电子全站仪)可对大坝进行自动化(或半自动化)外部形变监测,但设站处(监测基点)的稳定性对监测精度的影响非常大,且测量视线被遮挡后无法监测相应的形变点。为解决此问题,利用双基站GPS技术与测量机器人技术有机结合,开发了大坝形变自动监测系统,彻底解决了监测基站不稳定对监测结果的影响问题,使监测程序得以简化、固定投资成本得以降低。介绍大坝形变自动监测系统的结构、工作原理,给出监测实例。