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Application of automatic water regime measuring system via GPRS Network at Wanyao reservoir

TANG Su-juan,MAO Jian-feng and TANG Wen   

  • Online:2011-04-28 Published:2011-04-28



  1. 浙江省江山市碗窑水库管理局大坝管理站,浙江江山 324100

Abstract: As the development in communication technology,there are several methods available for remote data transmission,including ultra-short wave communication,short-wave communications,wired PSTN communication,GSM communications(SMS and GPRS),CDMA,optical fiber communications and satellite communications(with a variety of satellite channels),etc. Recent years,GPRS network of China Mobile has been commercialized,which provides a new way to transmit water information through public network. This paper discussed the application of GPRS in the automatic measuring system of water regime for Wanyao Reservoir.

摘要: 随着通信技术的不断进步和发展,远程数据传输已有许多选择:超短波通讯、短波通讯、有线PSTN通信、GSM通信(分SMS和GPRS两种方式)、CDMA、光纤通信以及卫星通讯(含多种卫星通道)等。近年来,中国移动GPRS网络进入了商业化实用阶段,提供了利用国家公网传输水情数据的又一种方法。本文讨论GPRS通信手段在碗窑水库水情自动测报系统中的应用。