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Research on freezing prevention devices for arch gate

WANG Huan-dong   

  • Online:2011-04-28 Published:2011-04-28



  1. 松江河发电厂,吉林抚松 134500

Abstract: Aiming at the freezing at the gate of spillway in cold areas, the paper introduced the freezing prevention method, namely making artificial surge by submersible pump. Further, automatic lifting was realized by application of buoy, and guide-positioning was realized by means of hammer method.

摘要: 针对高寒地区冬季溢洪道泄洪闸门前结冰问题,利用“动水不冻”的原理,采用潜水泵涌浪及反作用力的方法,解决弧门前水面结冰的问题。开创性地利用浮筒实现了装置的自动升降,并通过重锤法实现装置的导向定位。