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Application of flood regulation system at Kezier reservoir

ZHANG Hong-ke   

  • Online:2011-02-28 Published:2011-02-28



  1. 新疆克孜尔水库管理局,新疆库车 842313

Abstract: By use of flood regulation system at Kezier reservoir, automatic collection of water and rainfall information, flood forecast and regulation can be realized, which supports decision-making effectively. Combined with cases, this paper demonstrated its accuracy in flood forecast and summarized some problems in operation. Accordingly, measures were advanced.

摘要: 克孜尔水库洪水调度系统的建设基本可实现水、雨情信息自动采集,及时准确地预报洪水,并迅速拟提水库调度方案,为各级防汛指挥部门决策提供重要技术支持。结合洪水预报应用实例分析证明了洪水预报成果的科学准确性,同时也总结了该系统运行管理中存在的问题,就提高洪水预报精度提出了改进措施。