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Discussion on rehabilitation method of Donglin reservoir dam

LIU Xi-cai   

  • Online:2010-08-28 Published:2010-08-28



  1. 吉林省水利水电勘测设计研究院,吉林长春 130012

Abstract: Based on the rehabilitation of Donglin reservoir dam in Jilin province, this paper analysed the cause reasons for seepage and dam deformation. Accordingly, rehabilitation measure was advanced, that was the combination of static pressure grouting and high pressure jet grouting. By this method, underground seepage prevention system was formed and leakage passage was blocked. Water level observation and quality appraisal showed that it was of good effect and worthy popularization.

摘要: 以吉林省东林水库大坝除险工程为例,对水库坝体渗漏与变形最为严重的程度、原因及处理方案进行了详细的分析与研究,制定出切实可行的处理方案,即静压灌浆与高喷灌浆相结合的综合施工方法,形成了地下防渗体系,堵住渗漏通道,消除坝体险情,达到了预期目的。经过水位观测和质量综合分析评价,效果良好,具有推广价值。