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Discussion on power generation regulation strategy at Yongxi III reservoir

ZHA Ling-yu   

  • Online:2010-06-28 Published:2010-06-28



  1. 德化涌溪水电有限公司,福建德化 362500

Abstract: According to year-regulation of Yongxi III reservoir, combined with the advantage of peak-valley electricity price, in aspects such as reasonable arrangement of power generation time, higher water level and so on, the paper introduced the regulation strategy of Yongxi III reservoir, for more benefit.

摘要: 根据涌溪三级水库年调节性能,实行峰谷电价的优势,从合理安排日常发电时间,适当提高水库运行水位等方面入手,阐述通过提高涌溪三级水电站峰时电量、增加汛期发电量、提高运行水头、降低耗水率,从而提高水电站经济效益的发电调度策略。