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Brush treatment for the upstream face at a roller compacted concrete dam

HU He-ping and LI Yan   

  • Online:2010-06-28 Published:2010-06-28



  1. 1.葛洲坝集团第一有限公司,湖北宜昌 443002;2.葛洲坝集团试验检测有限公司,湖北宜昌443002

Abstract: Seepage was found at the downstream face and gallery after impounding at a roller compacted concrete dam. For safe operation, counter-measures were carried out. This paper introduced the examination, test, construction and effect of brush, for reference.

摘要: 某电站碾压混凝土大坝蓄水后下游坝面、廊道内出现渗漏水现象,为确保大坝安全运行,采取多项措施联合处理。介绍涂料检验、涂刷试验及施工方法和效果,供参考。