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Analysis on water-off inspection and treatment of the diversion tunnel of the Ninth water plant

ZHOU Shang-ti, QI Zhong-yue, HUANG Nan and et al.   

  • Online:2010-04-28 Published:2010-04-28


周上梯, 綦中跃,黄楠,安翼,左丰收   

  1. 北京市密云水库管理处,北京 101512

Abstract: The diversion tunnel of the Ninth water plant is of great importance to water supply.In the June of 2009, water-off inspection was carried out and engineering measures were taken for some defective parts. The result showed that the tunnel was safe enough for water supply.

摘要: 密云水库第九水厂引水隧洞承担着极其重要的供水任务,2009 年6 月开展停水检修,对洞身及附属设施进行检查和分析,对问题部位采取工程措施进行处理。隧洞检查及处理情况表明,隧洞总体安全,可以正常供水。