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Analysis on the anti-seepage treatment of Zhangwu reservoir dam

FU Yan-lin, WANG Wei-juan and REN Songlin   

  • Online:2010-04-28 Published:2010-04-28



  1. 1. 河南省豫北水利勘测设计院, 河南安阳 455000;2.黄河勘测规划设计有限公司,河南郑州 450000

Abstract: Because of the defect of anti-seepage clay blanket, the incomplete foundation treatment of the left dam blocks, the uneven calcareous concretions in the natural blanket and no filter layer set, it's difficult to carry out any rehabilitation measures for Zhangwu reservoir.By technical and economic analysis of the concrete anti-seepage wall and high pressure jet grouting, the concrete anti-seepage wall was adopted.

摘要: 彰武水库坝前防渗粘土铺盖先天不足,左段台地清基不彻底,自然铺盖含钙质结核薄厚不均,存在渗流破坏隐患,且现状铺盖缺失反滤层,采取补救措施弥补缺陷继续利用困难太大。通过对混凝土防渗墙和高压喷射灌浆两种垂直防渗方式技术和经济的分析、比较,最终确定采用混凝土防渗墙防渗。