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Arrangement of safety monitoring system and its management at Gongboxia concrete face slab rock-fill dam

KONG Qing-mei   

  • Online:2010-04-28 Published:2010-04-28



  1. 黄河电力测试科技工程有限公司,青海西宁 810003

Abstract: The height of Gongboxia concrete face slab rock-fill dam is 132.20 m, and the dam located in the earthquake area with asymmetric river valley.The weather there is cold and dry, with great temperature difference.The complex lithology leads to huge difference with excavate material.To master dam operation, typical monitoring sections were chosen, and both manual and automatic monitoring items were arranged.Further, the management of safety monitoring was brought into the dam safety information management system for the upstream cascade hydropower stations on the Yellow River, which was of great meaning to dam safety and operation.This paper introduced the arrangement of safety monitoring system and its management, for reference.

摘要: 公伯峡钢筋混凝土面板堆石坝最大坝高132.20 m,坝址处于高地震区且河谷极不对称,气候寒冷,日温差大、干燥,岩性变化复杂,开挖渣料质量差别大,两岸上游设有目前国内较高的混凝土高趾墙。为及时客观地掌握大坝的安全运行性态,选择典型监测断面和重点部位设置人工与自动化监测项目,并将安全监测管理纳入黄河上游梯级电站大坝安全信息管理系统,实现了多坝统一管理,对监视工程安全、反馈设计均具有重要的实际意义。本文对安全监测系统布置、监测手段以及安全监测信息管理模式进行了介绍,供相关工程参考。