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Discussion on the temperature constants correction of the differential resistance sensors

FENG Bo and CHU Haining   

  • Online:2010-04-28 Published:2010-04-28



  1. 南京卡尔胜水电科技有限公司,江苏南京 210012

Abstract: The method provided by Technical Specification for Concrete Dam Safety Monitoring would lead to error conclusion in temperature constants checking of the differential resistance sensors.Study indicated that it was because the incorrect values of temperature coefficients α and β.The conclusion obtained from an experiment indicated that α and β now were different from the old ones which recommended by the specification and they cann't be used to check the temperature performance of the sensor,but they can be obtained by regression analysis in the temperature experiment.

摘要: 对现场按《混凝土坝安全监测技术规范》要求检验差动电阻式仪器温度性能时出现不合格的情况进行了讨论,指出是由电阻温度系数α 、β 的取值不准确造成的。通过温度试验表明,现在差动电阻式仪器的电阻温度系数已经不是原来的值,不可用《混凝土坝安全监测技术规范》中认为可取的值来直接检验仪器的温度性能,但可以通过温度试验数据用回归分析方法求得α 、β 后来检验仪器的温度性能。