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Calculation on stability against sliding of Shanmei reservoir dam

LIN Jia-xing   

  • Online:2009-12-28 Published:2009-12-28



  1. 泉州市山美水库管理处,福建泉州 362000

Abstract: The saturation zone was found in the downstream substitute material of Shanmei reservoir dam, and the saturation line rose to the substitute material which caused the anomaly of the saturation line.With 7-degree earthquake and abnormal saturation line, the stability calculation was carried out by the Swedish slice method and simplified Bishop method, for reference to seepage analysis and dam rehabilitation.

摘要: 山美水库大坝下游代替料存在饱和区,浸润线升至大坝背水坡代替料中,出现异常浸润线。在7 度地震+异常浸润线现状工况下,采用圆弧滑动面的瑞典条分法和简化Bishop 法进行坝坡稳定计算, 供大坝渗流安全分析和防渗加固参考。