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Design optimization and removal of the cofferdam in reconstruction of energy dissipation structures of Hongshi dam

ZHANG Wei and ZHANG Zheng-ping   

  • Online:2009-08-28 Published:2009-08-28



  1. 东北电网有限公司白山发电厂,吉林桦甸 132400

Abstract: The type of inclined wall low weir combined with core wall high weir was designed. It was set that with the water retaining of the inclined wall low weir, construction of core wall high weir was carried out. But in construction, as discharge of power generation, filled clay was scoured and liquefied. Thus, a new cofferdam type which was of the both character of clay core wall and inclined wall was adopted, and good effect was achieved. In removal of cofferdam, measures such as postponed water filling and reasonable plan of spoil area were applied to ensure the quality and progress.

摘要: 红石大坝泄洪消能工改造工程围堰,原设计采用斜墙低堰与心墙高堰结合的方式,斜墙低堰位于迎水侧,在其保护下进行心墙高堰的施工。但在斜墙低堰填筑粘土斜墙时,由于电站每天都要调峰发电,已填筑的粘土经发电水流冲刷、浸泡后泥浆化,并被冲走。为此,采用了一种兼具粘土心墙与斜墙特点的围堰形式,取得了较好的效果。在围堰拆除时,采取尽量推迟平压充水时间、合理规划弃渣场等措施,保证了良好的拆除质量和进度。