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Change of flood control level of Fengman reservoir

FANG Guo-zhong,WANG Yong-feng, FAN Yong-si and et al.   

  • Online:2009-08-28 Published:2009-08-28



  1. 东北电网有限公司,辽宁沈阳 110181

Abstract: By summary of flood control operation and change of flood limit level of Fengman reservoir, this paper advanced the suggestion that emphasis should be laid on flood and weather forecast, as well, dynamic flood control should be enhanced.

摘要: 通过对丰满水库50 多年实际防洪调度过程和汛限水位变迁的总结,提出了重视洪水预报和气象预报,提高动态汛限水位应用效果的建议。