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Application of construction technology of extrusion concrete side wall in RCC dam

YU Fu-xing   

  • Online:2009-06-28 Published:2009-06-28



  1. 中国水电建设集团十五局有限公司,陕西西安 710065

Abstract: This paper introduced the application of construction technology of extrusion concrete side wall in RCC dam. It is new and of the advantages such as simple procedure, short time, good-looking surface and good for flood prevention, worthy popularization.

摘要: 面板堆石坝填筑施工时,上游坝坡传统的施工方法是采用超填、削坡、斜坡碾压、喷碾砂浆(或混凝土)进行固坡,工序多,干扰大,施工速度慢。本文着重介绍挤压混凝土边墙施工技术在林口水库面板堆石坝中的应用,这是目前正在推广的一项新技术,可以简化施工工序,加快施工进度,利于防洪度汛,且表面美观。