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Treatment design for complex foundation at a hydropower plant

HUANG Wei and XIONG Yan-mei   

  • Online:2009-06-28 Published:2009-06-28



  1. 中国水电顾问集团华东勘测设计研究院,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: There is a wide shattered fault zone composed of F1, F107 and f100 faults in the foundation of a hydropower plant. The fault zone lay cross foundation section 10th to 13th and base section 3th to 5th of power houses. Study has been done for reinforcement of the fault zone. Based on the experience from similar projects at home and abroad, the measures such as concrete plug, long-hole grouting, antiseepage wall and thick curtain were used to reinforce the foundation. At the same time, the structures and power house founded on the fault zone were joined together to enhance integrity and stability of the dam.

摘要: 某水电站河床分布的F1、F107、f100等组成一个较宽的断层破碎带,其位于10~13 号坝段,并穿过3~5 号机组段。为此,设计人员进行了大量的分析研究工作,参考国内外经验,在对坝基采用混凝土塞、深孔固结灌浆、防渗墙、加强帷幕等手段处理的同时,对断层破碎带部位的上部结构也采取厂坝连接、坝段并缝等工程措施,以提高大坝整体性和抗滑稳定性。