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Application of geosynthetic material in dam anti-seepage and diversion treatment of Baitukeng reservoir

TANG Anjun and FANG Li-li   

  • Online:2009-04-28 Published:2009-04-28



  1. 新疆昌吉州阜康市水务局水利勘测设计队,新疆昌吉 831100

Abstract: Earthwork synthetic material is widely used in hydro structures because of the advantages such as light weight, high tensile strength and corrosion resistance, convenience for transport and fast construction. This paper introduced the application of earthwork synthetic material in rock-fill dam and rehabilitation of diseased dam, for reference.

摘要: 土工合成材料问世已有30 年历史,在国内外应用广泛,发展迅速,该材料具有重量轻、抗拉强度高、不易腐烂、制造运输简便、施工速度快等优点,在水工建筑物的大坝、渠道、防洪堤、围堰等工程中得到广泛应用。本文阐述了土工合成材料在堆石坝及病险库加固坝面防渗中所取得的成功经验,供广大设计工作者参考。