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Renovation of tail water conical tube of the generator No.2 of Fengtan hydropower station

JIANG Zhong-xian   

  • Online:2009-04-28 Published:2009-04-28

凤滩水电厂2 号机组尾水锥管改造施工工艺及应用


  1. 湖南省电力公司凤滩水力发电厂,湖南沅陵 419621

Abstract: The No. 2 unit of Fengtan hydropower plant has been in operation more than 30 years. Because of uprating, reformation of the tail water conical tube should be carried out, which includes anchor bar construction, making and installation of grouting system, second-stage concrete pouring, cement grouting at contact surface, chemical grouting and et al. This paper mainly introduced the technique method and construction of the reformation.

摘要: 凤滩电厂2 号机组已运行30 多年,因机组更新增容改造需要,其尾水锥管需进行改型改造,其主要土建施工内容有:锚筋施工、灌浆系统制作与安装、新浇二期混凝土、接触面水泥灌浆、化学灌浆等。主要介绍了2 号机组尾水锥管改造施工的技术方法、施工工艺等。