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Diagnosis and counter-measures for leakage of the radial gate at Shenwo reservoir

LI Dao-qing   

  • Online:2009-02-28 Published:2009-02-28



  1. 辽宁省葠窝水库管理局,辽宁辽阳 111000

Abstract: Leakage of the radial gate, cracking and seepage of guide plate concrete at Shenwo reservoir was found not long after construction. As known that side guide plate, water seal, improper size of gate and gate operation track may cause uneven compression of water seal which will finally cause the seepage of gate. The main difficulty is the operation track survey and problem detection. By two-year construction of the gate side guide plate at Shenwo reservoir, diagnosis and construction measures were summarized to deal with this problem. This paper introduced the experience, for reference.

摘要: 葠窝水库弧门修建后就长期漏水,后来又发现边导板二期混凝土开裂和渗水。边导板、水封、闸门几何尺寸、闸门运行轨迹等诸多因素都能导致水封压缩不均而漏水,原因往往是多种情况同时作用的结果。边导板偏差较容易测量,比较困难的是对闸门运行轨迹的测量及问题判断。葠窝水库通过2 年弧门边导板的施工,总结形成了一套完整的诊断和施工措施,较好地解决了这个难题。目前全国水库除险加固工程中,类似的工程处理将很多,现介绍经验供同行们借鉴。