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Application of gunite pile construction technology in dam foundation anti-seepage project at Baihe rubber dam

NIU Fei, LU Bing, ZHANG Hang and et al.   

  • Online:2009-02-28 Published:2009-02-28



  1. 1.河南省南阳市水利建筑勘测设计院, 河南南阳 473057;2.河南省镇平县水利规划设计室,河南南阳 473000

Abstract: Gunite pile construction technology was adopted in dam foundation anti-seepage treatment project at Baihe rubber dam. By tests on seepage prevention, scour resistance, compressive strength and minor strain of the wall, it proved that the application of gunite pile construction technology in dam foundation anti-seepage project was effective, worthy reference.

摘要: 通过喷浆桩在南阳市白河第三级橡胶坝坝基粗砂、砾砂地层中试验、施工,以及对墙体渗透性、抗冲性、抗压强度、小应变等物理力学指标的测试,证明了用喷浆桩处理坝基防渗抗冲方案合理,效果较好,对以后类似工程处理具有借鉴意义。