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Suggestion on comprehensive repair scheme of Fengman dam

ZHANG Xiu-li   

  • Online:2009-02-28 Published:2009-02-28



  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: It is complicated for the comprehensive repair and rehabilitation project design of Fengman dam, especially difficult to identify the scheme of forming anti-seepage system of the dambody. In this paper, the difference between the current situation of the dam body concrete with the criteria requirements was compared, the adequate specification for the grouting curtain was discussed, the suggestion of the grouting and drainage as the main anti-seepage measures was put forward. Also it is suggested that the result gotten form the reducing seepage project of the overflow dam blocks should be considered when it is time to determine the synthetic treatment scheme of Fengman comprehensive repair and rehabilitation project.

摘要: 丰满大坝全面加固工程设计工作复杂,特别是构筑坝体抗渗体系的方案难于确定。本文对比了坝体混凝土现状与规范要求的差异,探讨了灌浆帷幕合格标准,提出了灌浆+排水作为主要防渗措施的建议,同时建议大坝全面维修加固工程综合治理方案确定时考虑溢流坝段降渗工程已经取得的成果,重视新老混凝土结合,坝面抗冻保温和纵缝处混凝土效果的分析论证。