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Seepage treatment of right bank spillway tunnel at Lubuge hydropower station

LIU Jin –hong   

  • Online:2008-10-28 Published:2008-10-28



  1. 南方电网调峰调频发电公司鲁布革水力发电厂,云南罗平 655800

Abstract: The right bank spillway tunnel at Lubuge hydropower station is the most important passageway of water discharging and sediment flushing. But, since operation, seepage at left side wall of tunnel downstream emergency gate was serious. In the year of 2006, chemical grouting was carried out and was of good effect.

摘要: 鲁布革水电站右岸泄洪洞承担着鲁布革大坝泄洪、排沙、放空水库的任务,是最重要的泄洪、排沙通道。自投运以来,事故门下游侧隧洞左边墙漏水较为严重,一直未得到有效解决,2006 年进行化学灌浆处理,效果良好,消除了安全隐患。