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Hydro-geochemical modeling of water-rock interactions in dam foundation

Alim Tursun   

  • Online:2008-08-28 Published:2008-08-28

坝基岩- 水化学作用的水文- 地球化学模拟


  1. 中国环境科学研究院, 北京 100012

Abstract: Generally, chemical interactions occurred between foundation rock (including grout curtain) and ground water are the main reason of many time-related engineering problems occurred in dam foundation. Aiming at the spatial and temporal quantification of reciprocal transforming process of chemical components in dam foundation rock-water interaction system, in this paper, a hydro-geochemical model for simulation of dam foundation rock-water interactions was developed and applied to a practical case study.

摘要: 坝基岩体(包括防渗帷幕)与其中地下水水溶液之间发生的化学作用是坝基晚期出现一系列病态问题最重要的原因之一?本文针对上述问题,以不同化学组分在坝基岩-水系统中空间和时间上相互转化量的定量化作为目标,建立了坝基岩-水化学作用的水文-地球化学模型,并把模型成功应用于实际问题的计算分析?