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Cause of sharp transition of measured value by water level settlement gauge at Qinshan dam

DU Xue-zhen and ZHU Jin-jie   

  • Online:2008-08-28 Published:2008-08-28



  1. 国家电力监管委员会大坝安全监察中心,浙江杭州 310014

Abstract: During January to June in 2004, Qinshan concrete face-slab rock-filled dam was in the operation situation of low water level. Out of expectation, the measured value by water level settlement gauge changed suddenly. By analysis of monitoring data and on site inspection, cause reason of the sharp transition was found and observation method was changed correspondingly. In this way, the measured value by water level settlement gauge turned to normal.

摘要: 芹山面板堆石坝在2004 年1~6 月低水位运行期间,埋设在坝体内部的水管式沉降仪测值发生突变,通过监测资料分析和现场检查?测试,查明了测值突变原因,并改变了水管式沉降仪的观测方法,使其恢复正常运行,可为类似工程情况提供一定的借鉴?