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Application of sand track and reporting system in Fengjiashan reservoir

MA Yin-ni, ZHAO Ya-fang and YANG Xiaohong   

  • Online:2008-08-28 Published:2008-08-28



  1. 1.凤翔县冯家山抽水管理处,陕西凤翔 721400;2.宝鸡市冯家山水库管理局,陕西宝鸡 721300

Abstract: By application of sand track and reporting system, monitoring of sedimentation, density current and bed load movement was achieved, which was of great value to sediment elimination during flood season. This paper introduced the reservoir sediment, necessity of monitoring, advantage of the system and so on, for reference.

摘要: 冯家山水库泥沙跟踪测报系统实现了对库区淤积形态?异重流运行?推移全过程的实时监测,在主汛期为水库排沙减淤工作提供技术支持?文章就水库淤积?监测必要性?系统基本情况?优越性等进行说明,供相关单位参考?