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Introduction to Emergency Action Plan of the KYRK?SJ?RVI reservoir dam

WU Su-hua, LI Lei and ZHOU Ke-fa   

  • Online:2008-08-28 Published:2008-08-28


吴素华,李雷,周克发 编译   

  1. 南京水利科学研究院,水利部大坝安全管理中心,江苏南京 210029

Abstract: The Emergency Action Plan identifies procedures and processes that dam owner and rescue authority should follow in an event of emergency. Therefore, the Emergency Action Plan should be simple, practical and easy to use. Dam break hazard analyses provide basic information on the consequences of possible dam break for risk estimation and rescue planning purposes. In case of a dam break, the quick and efficient alerting of the population is crucial to their safety.

摘要: 水库大坝应急预案是指导大坝业主及有关抢险救灾部门在突发事件发生时的行动程序和过程的文件,因此,该文件应该简单明了,便于操作和使用?溃坝风险分析是制订应急预案的基础,它为溃坝后果风险评价及制订抢险救灾计划提供技术支撑?发生溃坝时,及时有效地组织报警和发布信号也是保障人民生命安全的一项重要措施?