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Research on seepage of Huolianfan reservoir dam

HAN Chao and SHI Zi-tang   

  • Online:2008-08-28 Published:2008-08-28



  1. 武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,湖北武汉 430072

Abstract: The paper analyzed seepage and seepage deformation of Huolianfan reservoir dam in Hubei Province,and presented reinforcement measures based on geological information of the earth dam. Further more, finite element method was used in dam seepage calculation, the result of seepage in current situation and after reinforcement was gotten which proved the reinforcement measures were reasonable and safe. The methods and conclusion were valuable for safety inspection and reinforcement of earth dams.

摘要: 分析了湖北省红安县火连畈水库大坝当前存在的渗漏和渗透变形问题,结合地质勘探资料,提出了除险加固的措施,并通过二维有限元计算加固前后的坝体渗流情况,证明了所提出的措施是合理可靠的,所得出的结论可为同类土坝的安全鉴定?加固提供借鉴?