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Research on rehabilitation technology for earth- rock dams in Fujian province

LI Xuan- ming   

  • Online:2008-06-28 Published:2008-06-28



  1. 福建省水利水电勘测设计研究院, 福建福州 350001

Abstract: There are 2 435 reservoirs mainly for flood prevention and irrigation in Fujian province. Among them, there are 458 dangerous reservoirs and 1 003 diseased reservoirs. This paper, after research on seepage characteristics and seepage control theory of earth- rock dams, analysed and summarized main anti- seepage rehabilitation technology. Furthermore, finite element calculation method and anti- seepage material test were taken. According to seepage and deformation of diseased earth- rock dams in Fujian province, treatment technology and rehabilitation model were advanced in this paper, for reference.

摘要: 福建省以防洪、灌溉为主的水库2 435 座, 其中险库458 座, 病库1 003 座。在深入研究土石坝渗流病害特点和土石坝渗流控制理论之后, 分析、总结国内外主要堤坝防渗加固技术, 进行有限元计算分析和防渗墙材料试验研究, 针对福建省病险土石坝渗漏及变形情况, 提出了适应福建省病险土石坝特点的综合处理技术和加固模式。