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Application of crushed sidewall in face slab rockfilled dam at Siping hydropower station

GUI Yun- feng   

  • Online:2008-02-28 Published:2008-02-28



  1. 葛洲坝股份有限公司清江建设承包公司, 湖北宜昌 443300

Abstract: This paper introduced the experiment and application of crushed sidewall in face slab rockfilled dam upstream bedding plane at Siping hydropower station. By using of crushed sidewall, the place of extra- fill, hand and mechanical slope cutting, roller compaction and protection of slope face in traditional method were taken. It may simplify construction procedures and enhance construction safety, worthy reference by other projects.

摘要: 介绍了寺坪面板堆石坝上游垫层坡面混凝土挤压边墙的试验过程及应用情况。该项技术替代了传统工艺中垫层料的超填、人工和机械削坡修整、斜坡碾压、坡面防护等。寺坪工程应用挤压式边墙施工技术, 简化施工工序、提高安全生产等方面的优势在大坝上游垫层区的施工中得到明显体现, 可供其它工程借鉴。