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Treatment to the cracks on the damblock 10 of Jiangya dam

LIU Shi- jun and ZHAO Feng   

  • Online:2007-12-28 Published:2007-12-28

江垭大坝10 号坝段裂缝加固处理

刘世军, 赵峰   

  1. 湖南省江垭水电站, 湖南长沙 427221

Abstract: Due to temperature change and the narrowand high dam body, inner cracks and leakage passage appeared at the dam block 10 of Jiangya dam. After investigation, with safety monitoring measures, chemical grouting and superfine cement grouting were applied in cracks treatment. By this, cracks were filled, integrity of the concrete mass was improved and good effect of rehabilitation was achieved.

摘要: 湖南省江垭大坝10 号坝段由于温度变化影响及该坝段坝型狭高, 出现了两条内裂缝和不密实混凝土所构成的渗水通道。经过前期勘探后, 在采取了有效的安全监测措施下, 运用了化学灌浆和超细水泥灌浆进行了加固处理, 灌区混凝土体疏松区与裂缝得到了有效充填, 混凝土体完整性得到了很大改善, 经压水试验检查完全满足预期要求, 达到了加固处理的目的。