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Settlement calculation of the toe- shooting embankment

CHEN Shu- li, LI Tao and JIANG Li- mao   

  • Online:2007-12-28 Published:2007-12-28



  1. 1.北京交通大学, 北京 100044; 2.中科力爆炸技术工程有限公司, 北京 100080

Abstract: In this paper, the settlements of embankment constructed by toe- shooting method were analyzed by various traditional settlemrnt calculation methods and finite element method, which lies in deep silt layer and has a complex cross- section.Calculation results showed that the traditional settlement calculation methods did not work well, because they were not adequate for such an embankment with complex cross- section and deep depth in thick silt layer. Further more, it showed that PLAXIS were better than traditional settlement calculation methods and can meet the measured settlement data froma real embankment.

摘要: 以爆炸排淤填石法筑堤为背景, 分别用传统方法和数值分析法对这种处于深厚淤泥中、断面形状复杂的爆炸排淤填石堤坝进行了最终沉降量的计算。计算结果表明, 传统的沉降计算方法因为无法处理断面形状复杂、大埋深和深厚淤泥地层等问题, 计算效果都很不理想; 相反, 利用PLAXIS 有限元软件能在一定程度上解决这一问题, 计算结果与工程实测值也比较接近, 优于传统的沉降计算方法。